Thursday, April 11, 2013

Prescription to Get Active - 2 more partners!

We are thrilled to announce two new partners in the Prescription to Get Active Program:

Devon Total Fitness
Arctic Spas Recreation Complex (Thorsby)

Patients can now receive a complimentary 1-month pass to these facilities with a completed Prescription to Get Active. New prescription pads including Devon Total Fitness and Arctic Spas Recreation Complex contact information have been delivered to our member clinics in Devon and Calmar. Please note that these facilities will accept prescription written in Leduc and Beaumont as well.

For more information the Prescription to Get Active program, please visit our website 

PCN 5 km Fun Walk/Run

The 9 Edmonton-area PCNs are organizing a 5km Fun Walk/Run at Rundle Park in May. We invite all area PCN staff, member clinic staff and member physicians, patients and the public to participate in the 5km run/walk, followed by a health fair put on by PCN healthcare professionals. Healthy snacks will be provided and there is a bouncy castle for the kids.

To register, please visit the Running Room website.

The 9 Edmonton-area PCNs include: